Over the past 10 years we have continuously learned from our experiences in our field, which has resulted in the development of our own portfolio of Leading edge models and online tools, which fit perfectly with our style of approach, and also our client needs.
Our proprietary models and frameworks, help our clients to more effectively grasp the critical Leadership and Management principles. We then use our online tools to provide them with the accurate and relevant diagnostic feedback in role, both for themselves and also their teams. Our models and tools have been careful crafted to work together, to generate a truly integrated offering for our clients.
ITZ Insights:
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Online psychological profiling tool -
ITZ Leadership & Management Map:
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Our proprietary Leadership & Management navigational framework -
ITZ Navigator:
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Our proprietary Leadership & Management online 360° feedback tools -
ITZ Star:
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Our proprietary online strategic talent & rating system
This is an online tool, 3rd party sourced through “Insights UK”, where we are all individually accredited practitioners, and the company is a licensed distributor.
Insights is a Jungian based tool, utilising a 4 colour profiling system, providing a simple yet highly effective platform, to generate both personal and mutual style awareness.
Insights profiling is excellent in building strategies to adapt your style to connect more effectively with others, and understand the implication of your preferred working style and on which activities you prefer to focus your time.
Individual profiling
We provide individual Insights profiles, which are computer generated from a self-completed, online questionnaire, comprising of 25 questions, and taking c.30 minutes to complete.
The personal profiles provide incisive and practical insight into the individual’s personal style, how they interact with others, and their preferred approach to decision making.
In addition there are detailed outputs, referencing their strengths, weaknesses, suggestions for development, blind spots, and strategies for dealing with their “opposite type”. It also provides insightful tips to help them, help others, in how to get the best out of working with them.
Team profiling
There is also the functionality to aggregate unlimited numbers of team members, to provide team profiles.
This potentially has a big impact on the leadership and management roles, where the differences between these two roles, requires individuals to adapt their natural styles and preferences. We prefer to initiate all of our work, whether with individuals, teams or groups, with the Insights model, as it provides a great educational platform on which to build the understanding and appreciation of the leadership and management roles.
To view a sample profile, please download the PDF:
Download Insights Sample Personal Profile (PDF)
If you are not a current client & you would like to complete your personal profile please contact us on info@intothezone.net
The Leadership and Management Map has become a cornerstone of our coaching proposition over the past 5 years, as it serves to incisively educate our clients in how the Leadership and Management roles work, and also how they are so highly interdependent on each other.
It is ultimately presented in a one page format which provides clarity and simplicity in articulating how Leadership and Management “works.”
The key philosophy behind the Map is that it provides a 3 dimensional view.
- Where Leaders and Managers need to spend their time, and which activities they need to be undertaking – We split this into “The What” (“things and stuff”), and “The How” (“People and Behaviour”)
- The time frames they should be focused upon – We split this into “Transactional” (the Operating Plan/12 month horizon), and “Transformational” (the Strategic agenda/ 12-36+ month horizon)
- The preference styles required to execute these different activities. We overlay the insights preference styles to the map, to demonstrate how different activities require inherently different styles and approaches
In order to be an effective leader, it is critical that the individual has the awareness, capability and flexibility of style, to operate across all 4 quadrants of the Map.
Our “Navigator” feedback tools then provide the analysis to identify the current effectiveness of the individual, across the Map; our coaching, training and mentoring interventions then help the individual adopt the necessary thinking, skills and behaviours, to be consistently effective right across the demands of the Map.
The Leadership Map serves to help our clients “navigate” their way through their leadership and management responsibilities.
It then made absolute sense for us to develop our own bespoke Leadership & Management 360 feedback tool, that was not only carefully constructed to ask the necessary breadth and depth of incisive and relevant leadership and management questions, but also reported the results in a format consistent with the Leadership & Management Map framework.
“Navigator” is an online based tool, which has the facility to collect and process feedback from 5 key stakeholder groups, for an unlimited number of respondents.
It provides quantitative ratings for all elements of “The Leadership & Management Map”, as well as collated verbatim feedback from all of the respondents. The reporting format provides detailed feedback for every question by each stakeholder group, but also aggregates the data to an Executive Summary level, where the individual receives a high level one page graphical summary of their effectiveness as a leader.
This reflects aggregated feedback for each of the 4 quadrants of “The Map”, along with an additional section summarising “Values & Behaviours”.
Our 360 Navigator is available in 3 formats:
- “Leadership Navigator”,
- “Management Navigator” &
- “Leadership Team Navigator” (which provides feedback for a leadership team from up, down and across the organisation).
Our coaching role is then key to educate individuals in the Leadership Map framework and philosophy, and to work with them 121 to review the feedback.
If you are not familiar with this tool, please download and take a look at our sample reports.
We used the I.C.E.H.O.P model very successfully in a consulting form with our clients over a 5 years period which resulted in consistent feedback from our clients that they would really like us to develop an online version of the model, which could be both more objective and consistent, and also more accessible for them as users.
In early 2013 we went live with “STAR”, which not only delivered the ICEHOP proposition, but went two steps further.
STAR is a 50 question, online questionnaire, which takes c.10-15 minutes to complete, and generates a 29 page report which provides THREE critical rating outputs for an individual.
- A QUALITY rating, which provides an incisive rating of their prevailing skills and behaviours
- A PERFORMANCE rating, which rates their performance contribution over the previous 12 months, both in “delivery of results”, and also in their prevailing “behaviours”
- A TALENT rating, which assesses their value to the organisation over the longer term. This reflects both their delivery of “overall Performance”, and also their “Potential” to take on bigger and broader responsibilities in the future
The assessment is most commonly undertaken by the line manager and maybe one or two informed and objective stakeholders. There is the facility for the individual to self complete, should it be felt that self awareness was a key development need.
The reporting output will provide a clear diagnostic about the individual across each of the 3 rating fields, and the mechanism to develop the necessary development and planning interventions.
The system then provides automatic aggregation and consolidation of an unlimited number of individuals, to provide incisive and pragmatic insight for the management team, again across all 3 rating fields. This will enable the management team to identify the Strategic people development and investment needs, Reward Strategy, Succession Planning and Talent recruitment strategy.
If you are not familiar with this tool, please download and take a look at our sample reports.
Download STAR Sample Individual Report (PDF)
Download STAR Sample Aggregate Report (PDF)
If you are not a current client & you would like to complete a trial report for a nominated individual please contact us for more information on info@intothezone.net