Identity and contact details
Our postal address is Badgemore House, Gravel Hill, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 4NR. Our telephone number is +44 (0) 1491 573770. You can contact us by email using We are registered at Companies House as ITZ Limited with a company number of 06389412.
Our designated supervisory authority under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We are based in the United Kingdom.
The individual in charge of Data Protection in our company is Simon Burleton.
What data we collect
Into the Zone captures information on the data subjects being assessed by Into the Zone so that we can carry out our business. We use the lawful reason of ‘Consent’ to process this data. We do not capture special category information on these contacts.
The data subjects being assessed by Into the Zone sometimes update details into one of two profile creation engines as a part of the assessment. These profile creation engines are external to Into the Zone and are data processors for Into the Zone. We use ‘Consent’ to process this data. We do not capture special category information in these engines.
Into the Zone captures information on prospective customers of Into the Zone. We use ‘Legitimate Interest’ to process this data. We have conducted the specification of the Legitimate Interest for this processing, and the necessity and balancing tests. We do not capture special category information on these contacts.
We process information on staff and potential staff so that we can manage their employment. We use ‘Contract’ to process this data. We can capture special category information on this data and use category (b) of Article 9(a) of the GDPR (“necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations … in the field of employment…”) as the condition for processing this data.
We process information on staff so that we can report and pay their taxes. We use ‘Legal Obligation’ to process this data.
Into the Zone captures information on customers that Into the Zone are in the process of providing services for. We use ‘Contract’ to process this data. We do not capture special category information on these contacts.
Other information on what we do with data
We store and process data for which we act as Data Controller in the United Kingdom. We also use a cloud system for email communications, MailChimp, which stores data in the United States of America. MailChimp is Privacy Shield certified.
We do not provide information for which we act as Data Controller to any third parties, except to those which Into the Zone uses as data processors.
We delete the data relating to the data subjects being assessed in the course of Into the Zone’s personnel development activities 3 years after the end of a contract with a client organisation.
Data processed in the profile creation engines is deleted 1 year after it has been created. We delete data relating to financial payments after 6 years, as we are required to retain information for HMRC.
Records will be removed from the CRM system (Capsule) and email communications system (MailChimp) after 2 years if there has been no engagement with a contact. All records are disposed of securely when deleted.
How we look after data
We take reasonable technical and procedural precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration of personal data.
We store the personal data that we collect securely.
We do not publish the details of the safeguards we use to protect the personal data that we control as this could reduce the effectiveness of those safeguards.
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When you visit our website you will be presented with a choice which will allow you to decide whether cookies are used or not. In a few cases some of our website features may not function if you choose not to allow cookies on our website.
Other websites
Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website, so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.
Your rights
Into the Zone recognises the rights of data subjects as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We will always seek to uphold those rights and the links provided will enable you to communicate with us to exercise those rights, where relevant.
- Your right to be informed (this page and further information in communications we might send to you)
Click on the following links to send us an email so that you can exercise your rights.
- Your right of access
- Your right to rectification
- Your right of erasure (right to be forgotten)
- Your right of restriction of processing
- Your right to data portability
- Your right to object
Into the Zone recognises your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can access the ICO’s website from this link.